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2001   Bachelor of Fine Arts, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, GA


2016   Master of Fine Arts, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL



Excellence in Writing Award from Virginia Intermont College



2017  The ARTS at Marks Garage,  Honolulu, HI

2016  Only the Tip, CAM Museum, Tampa, FL

           Florida Aquarium, Tampa, FL

2015  BlackStar, Venture Compound, Saint Petersburg, FL

           15th Annual Exhibition, In-Sight Photography Project, Brattleboro, VT

2014  5x5, Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, FL


           14th Annual Exhibition, In-Sight Photography Project, Brattleboro, VT


            Noir y Blanco, Venture Compound, St. Petersburg, FL


            No Boys Allowed, Oliver Gallery, University of

            South Florida, Tampa, FL.


            38th Annual Juried Exhibition, Oliver Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.  Juried by Kalup Linzy, Internationally       

            recognized performance and video artist.


2012    Hi Again, How Are You? Three-person exhibition, Projexx Gallery, Johnson City, TN


2011    The View From Here, The Galaxy Lounge, Johnson City, TN


2005    Model, Muse, Artist, Identity, Sometimes Madness is Wisdom Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

2001     Art Papers Benefit, Group exhibition and silent auction, Atlanta GA

              Exit, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, GA

              Post-Visualist, Soho Myriad Gallery, Atlanta, GA


2000     Kulture, Art Farm, Atlanta, GA


              Origins, Juried group show, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, GA




2016     "Only the Tip," Creative Loafing Tampa, April 21-28, 2016.

2012      Ehrman, Mark, Getting Out: Your Guide to Leaving America, Updated and

               expanded edition. Port Townsend: Process Media, 2012. 100-101.

2011      Fisher, Jessica. “Leslie Reed, Enjoying the View From Here,” Kingsport Times

               News, Kingsport, TN, May 8, 2011.


Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

(2012 - current)


Fall 2014 (two sections), Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016.  

Teaching beginning students camera operations, digital workflow, printing, composition, lighting, and the history of fine art photography.

Teaching Assistant, Film Arts, Summer 2014, Spring 2015.

Monitoring the photography lab, assisting students with darkroom and digital photographic printing, and maintaining the shooting studio equipment.


English Rater, Berlitz Language Centers, Los Angeles, CA

(2011 - current)

English testing to rate candidates’ language ability for employment eligibility for corporations such as AT&T and Sykes in India and the Philippines. Assessing grammar, phonetics, linguistics, and fluency to accurately and objectively measure language proficiency.


Teacher, Hanslang Institute, Incheon, South Korea


English Teacher for students ages 5-16 years old. 

Worked closely with students using visual stimulus, total physical response activities and games to enhance learning.Created tests, lesson plans, activities, worksheets, evaluations and progress reports.


Assistant Director, Lora Schlesinger Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

(2005 – 2009) 

Worked with artists, clients, and press liaisons to organize exhibitions and promote gallery artists.

Wrote all gallery press releases.

Designed and maintained website and site.

Responded to all incoming gallery communications.

Designed exhibition materials and catalogues and photographed artwork for web and print media.


Photographer/Designer, Art Reproduction, Peter Copses/Judy Mueller Family Trust, Los Angeles, CA


Photographed all works in the collection and created a master inventory file documenting provenance, appraisal value, purchase price and physical location. Also designed a print catalogue featuring all works in the collection.

Editorial Assistant, Getting Out, author: Mark Ehrman, Los Angeles, CA

(2005) Getting Out, A guidebook for Americans seeking to start a new life abroad. 

Responsible for editorial content, imagery, documents, and contacts. 

Maintained extensive database of countries, laws, resources, and first person material.

Extensive research to obtain relevant facts, data, and statistics.

Fact checked for accuracy using primary sources.

Photoshop Technician, Imagexperts, Los Angeles, CA

(2004 - 2005)

Photoshop retouching, restoration, color management, and ensuring final print quality.            


Darkroom Printer, Elson Alexandre, Artesia, CA

(2003 – 2004)

Hand printing in a traditional color darkroom environment.  The studio provided portrait packages for families and individuals. 


Graphic Designer, Skywriting Films, Los Angeles, CA


Created five original logos for an independent film company using photography, drawing, and Photoshop. I designed the primary logo and other designs for print promotions, and website graphics.


Wet Lab & Photoshop Technician, E-Six Lab of Atlanta Inc, Atlanta, GA

(2001 - 2003)

Printing, correcting, and restoring photographs. I was given special assignments for top clients, such as Turner Broadcasting and CNN.


Photographer, Lifetouch, Atlanta, GA

(2001- 2002)

Photographing high school senior portraits using a variety of poses and packages.


Photographer/Designer, Art Reproduction, Brenda & Donald Locke, Atlanta, GA

(2000 – 2001)

Photographed and created a print catalogue of the Lockes’ private art collection. This involved taking slides of 300 paintings, drawings, and prints, and organizing and labeling each piece.





Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Tampa, FL


Photographed events and visiting artists for the museum, assisted with tours, new memberships, and researched acquisitions for upcoming exhibitions.


Projexx Gallery, Johnson City, TN


Co-founder, curated exhibitions, organized events, created press materials.


Sustainable Living Roadshow, Oakland, CA


Worked with the Roadshow as a photographer and crew member.  SLR is a caravan of educators and entertainers who tour the country in a fleet of renewable fuel vehicles to empower communities and individuals to utilize sustainable living strategies for a healthier planet.


Duraebang, My Sister’s Place, Seoul, South Korea


Designed promotional materials and assisted with a fundraiser for Duraebang, an organization which rescues and helps to rebuild the lives of women who are victims of sexual slavery.


HOPE, Seoul, South Korea


Web design and maintenance for HOPE, a nonprofit organization/school with the mission to teach low-income children English language skills at no cost.








2010 - present

2010 - present

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